
Although this could very well be a picture of me finding a new treasure at a favorite nursery, it's actually an illustration by David Catrow for a children's book called Plantzilla.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday Vignette

It's dark, cold, and wet outside.  The wind is tossing wind chimes about making a racket as the dogs and I sit by the computer this evening.   We're all dreaming about the all-too-fleeting warmth of summer.  Perhaps this shot of a new blue wall at Wells Medina Nursery taken late in June on a cloudless and warm day will help.

Oh that summer could linger a bit longer.  Alas, it seems that autumn and winter have other plans.

Wednesday Vignette is hosted by Anna at Flutter and Hum.  Click over there to see her vignette and links to those of others!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Camellias in November?

Camellia sasanqua varieties are a common sight in the late autumn and early winter.  A popular variety, 'Yuletide' is so named because of it's color and because it's often blooming at that time. 

Camellia sasanquah 'MonDel' followed me home from Flower World last weekend.  Flowers at this time of year are always welcome, right?

However, Camellia japonica varieties usually bloom in my garden in February, March, and April. We've had a mild autumn with record breaking rainfall and my japonicas are confused. It's a bit troubling to see buds coloring up this early as frost can burn them.

Some flowers are actually opening.  Oh well, there are a lot of other things blooming in the spring and some buds are still tightly closed so there  may be vernal blooms as well.

Are we going to skip winter this year?  (He said hopefully.)

Monday, November 28, 2016

In A Vase On Monday

When I got home on Sunday, the rain was coming down, the wind blowing, and I didn't feel much like venturing out to the garden to find something to put in a vase.  Luckily, on Thanksgiving, I put something together as part of a running joke that one of my great nieces and I have going.

For several years, I've been a vegetarian but still cook traditional fare for my family on Thanksgiving. Last year,  or the year before, my eldest sister told the grand niece that I was now following a vegan diet for health reasons.  The niece's replied that she hoped that she wasn't served leaves and sticks, tofurkey, or anything of the sort.  That year, just as the grand nice had filled her plate, I whisked it away, replacing it with a package of tofurkey and presenting her with a crystal bowl of dried leaves and sticks from the garden.  Now on every holiday, one of us brings sticks and leaves.  This Thanksgiving, it was my turn.  Since I wasn't hosting (A nephew and his wife were our hosts in Vancouver) the sticks and leaves needed a different receptacle.  Because I couldn't find the original sticks and leaves which are in a plastic bag somewhere, I found more.

On the way out the door, some dried rose hips and a few broken and brown-leaved branches of arctostaphylos jumped into the box.

It's definitely not the most elaborate Monday arrangement I've made but certainly one of the most fun!

In A Vase On Monday is hosted by Cathy at Rambling in the Garden.  Be sure to go to her blog to see what others have brought inside today.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Black Friday Shopping?

On Black Friday I usually stay away from the madding crowd, put away all of the Thanksgiving dishes, extra tables and chairs and autumn decorations to prepare for the next group of holidays.  This year, we spent turkey day in Vancouver (WA) with a couple of my brother's kids and their families and while it was strange not to be cooking and cleaning for days, it was certainly a delightful break. The rain is supposed to stop for a little while today and with a low of 29 degrees in the forecast in a couple of weeks, this will be a perfect day to bring in the last of the begonias and think about hauling the potted cordylines to the greenhouse.

Last weekend we went nursery hopping and stopped by Barone Garden.  Barone does not carry plants but if you're ever looking for a fountain, statuary, or pot, you'll certainly find something to meet your need!  See previous posts here.

Meditating frog fountain.  

Where could I find space for this?  

This must look really interesting with water gushing through it!

The shiny metallic gold glaze always catches my eye.  Do you think it would look attractive with plants or detract from them?

The sea of pots is always more impressive in person. 

Spheres in the garden are a favorite.

More shiny gold glaze.  

Maybe it's a sign?

The Asian area features some carved stone pieces as well as concrete. 

The detail on these Ganeshas was superb.  

Who doesn't like Bacchus, the party animal - um I meant the god of the grape harvest and wine.  (Six of one...)

Unusual garden bench.  One can actually sit on her lap.

There's something for every garden style and taste unless, of course, you don't like pots or objet in your garden.

Did the gnomes kick seagulls off of their posts?

This lady almost came home with me but I need another one of these like I need a hole in the head.  Come to think of it, a hole in the head comes in quite handy in a head planter.  Hmm.

This guy was keeping a watchful eye on her so maybe they were meant to stay together. 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

In the United States, today is Thanksgiving, a day to reflect on all for which we're thankful.  One of my many blessings is the caring community of garden blog readers and writers who have become a part of my daily life and thoughts.  Thank you for being a part of this community!  Whether or not you celebrate this holiday, may your life be filled every day with things for which you're thankful!

Noid Schlumbergera  found among a flat of 1" pots in an after Christmas sale at a local nursery last year.  The orange buds made me smile but when they started opening like this I was thrilled!

Schlumbergera 'Thor Nille' found at Molbak's just last weekend. Collecting these can be quite addictive!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Wednesday Vignette

Wednesday vignette is hosted by Anna at Flutter and Hum.  Go there to see her vignette and those of other participating bloggers.  Thanks, Anna, for hosting each week!

What happens to the unadopted pumpkins after Halloween?

Do they all have a vacation in the country where they can romp and play with each other?

Are they all rounded up, segregated and fenced in?  Is it all a matter of perspective?

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happenings in My Garden

Now that clocks have been set back and the light grows shorter, I mostly get to see my garden on the weekends.  However, things continue to happen outdoors and in.

For some reason, I thought that dinosaur hatching season was in the spring/summer but there seems to be an early bird or a late bloomer in my garden.  Do you suppose this has something to do with climate change?

Out in a parking strip, Melianthus major 'Antonow's Blue' is looking especially lush.

Long-spent stems from Romneya coulteri always look hideous in the fall and winter.  Should I cut them to the ground?  New growth emerges from the stems in the spring so I'm not sure.

The mystery arctostaphylos that had variegated leaves for several years now is entirely green.  Must have been a disease of some sort but it sure was beautiful.  Blooms in the fall are nice too.

I've waited to see orange fruit on my persimmon for years.  Finally the tree was mature enough and I cut away enough overhanging foliage that part of it was in enough sun.

I see these from my kitchen window and they make me smile.  I almost want to leave them for ornamental value and not eat them.

Must be early November as the first of the holiday cacti has started blooming. Others moved to the greenhouse and they're a bit behind as it's cooler out there. Fortunately, it looks like there will be blooms from now through January.

Last but not least, the bud on Zamia furfuracea (a cycad also called cardboard palm) is growing larger.
Can you believe that there's only one week left in November?  How time flies.

Monday, November 21, 2016

In A Vase On Monday

In A Vase On Monday, a highly addictive meme, is hosted by Cathy at Rambling in the Garden. Click here to check out other Monday arrangements. Thanks, Cathy for keeping our eyes open to what we can bring inside to make us smile through the week.

My offering this week isn't in a vase but rather on a wreath.  Making Nadezda's maple leaf  roses is such a fun way to use leaves.  Jumping into a pile of them is also a delight but that's another story. While there are still a few brightly-colored leaves kicking around in my garden, this was actually made a couple of weeks ago.  

I started making the roses and then remembered a wreath that I got at Molbak's last year when all of their holiday stuff was 90% off.

Throw in a few beauty berries for contrast...

The bird came from the same sale as the wreath.  

Maybe it's better without.

Can't decide which way to hang it.  

The roses are mostly dark now but still intact.  Perhaps they should be spray painted for Christmas. Happy new week!