Branches Nursery is as as close or closer to my home as many of the nurseries that I frequently visit but for some reason I seldom find myself going in that direction. I must make a point of visiting more frequently!
Winter blooming plants make it seem as if spring has already arrived in our gardens and at Branches! It's a good idea to visit nurseries every month to assure that there's always something of interest in your garden. That is unless you live in an area where nurseries close for the winter and your garden is covered with snow for five months of the year.
Branches has a large indoor retail area loaded with an extensive array of gift items, house wares, candles, women's attire, food items, etc. All holiday decor was on sale for 75% off. It was easy to say no to any more holiday stuff as there is already too much in my hoard. (Okay, I may have bought a container that will appear next year in an In a Vase on Monday post.)
Tillandsias seem to be everywhere these days and why not, they're such cool plants.
A few house plants.
At this time of year, we're gearing up for another outdoor season and enjoying our evergreen and winter-blooming friends that beckon us out into the garden again.
A nice selection of hellebores.
The hummingbirds wasted no time finding nectar-bearing blooms and the feeder. Nothing like looking at beautiful plants with the sound of the little cuties buzzing around.
Why are these such solitary birds that spend way too much time fighting over territory. Don't they know how cute they'd look in a sweet little flock?
Separating the sheep
from the goats.
Spring is just around the corner! For many of us, spring starts with the Northwest Flower and Garden Show which is only two weeks away. On the other hand, I remember years when there was snow on the ground for the show so one should probably not count his chickens before they're hatched.
This Hamamelis × intermedia 'Diane' caused me to check on my own which is also in bloom! Hooray!
This spherical fire pit is gorgeous! Too bad I'm out of space in my garden.
Another kind of winter interest.
The Tacoma Home and Garden Show opens today! It's always fun to go to see the Vintage market and the Olympic Landscape Garden. Looks like there'll only be one plant vendor there.
So pretty! Must make one of these next year!
All too soon it was time to head out but I look forward to visiting again!
For more information, visit their
Also, the Tacoma Home and Garden Show opens today! It's always fun to go to see the Vintage market and the Olympic Landscape Garden. Looks like there'll only be one plant vendor there this year though.