
Although this could very well be a picture of me finding a new treasure at a favorite nursery, it's actually an illustration by David Catrow for a children's book called Plantzilla.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Random Photo Friday

Here are a few random shots taken at one of my favorite nurseries, Vassey in Puyallup.  (Previous posts here.)  Their huge fall  sale starts today and the nursery is full of wonderful plants at discount prices!

A lovely truss of Tibouchina  blooms.

Japanese Blood Grass with hydrangea flowers.
 Hypericum in bloom and fruit always tugs at my heart at this time of the year.
Guard kitty checking out the customers. 

I went gaga for this gorgeous combination of purple Wigela leaves, viburnum heavy with fruit, and Tiger's Eye Staghorn Sumac.

Such a great combination of colors, textures, shapes and it could come home to your garden! 

If you happen to be in the area in the next two weeks, do check out the late summer sale. 


  1. Scrolling down, I literally jumped when I got to the cat! Kind of scary, it was...

    Hey, go CRAZY at that plant sale!

    1. Fear not, the guard kitty looks scary but will only hurt you if you don't pat her and buy lots of plants.

  2. That kitty is giving you serious stink eye!

    1. A couple of nice people who work there and know me saw a couple of plants in my hands and reminded me that the sale started soon. The cat was saying, "put down those plants and you'll wish you hadn't!" Very persuasive, the kitty is!

  3. That is one ferocious looking guard cat...good that you got out with your life, but what about plants that hopped into your car? I seriously want a 'Tiger's Eye'.

    1. 'Tiger's Eye' is gorgeous and you should definitely get one or a dozen! I got an Iris (maybe japonica eco easter or cristata don't remember. Must make me iris confuse) Carex 'sparkler,' and an interesting evergreen groundcover that can take dense shade & likes moist soil, gets yellow flowers in the spring.

  4. Ha ha scary cat! Live all the berries. This is the time of the year I mourn the loss of my Mountain Ash with its gorgeous orange berries. Nice photos.

    1. I had gorgeous mountain ash trees in my garden in Alaska. I miss seeing the Bohemian waxwings devour the berries all winter. Beautiful trees! Thanks.

  5. Maybe this should be anew meme Peter..Random Photo Friday ! A nice selection ...

    1. It would be a good meme but I don't know if I could be consistent enough to be random every Friday. I like the idea of giving everyone a excuse to not have to work on a long or themed post but just to throw a few pictures together and enjoy posting without a large commitment of time.

  6. I just checked out your previous post for Vassey. How did we not know about this place! Thank you for the gift of a new nursery!

    1. They're located off the beaten path and until a few years ago did no advertising. It's a special place and if you're making a nursery field trip down this way, it fits nicely into a string Windmill/Vassey/Watson's [Lunch somewhere in Tacoma] Willow Tree/Garden Sphere/Jungle Fever/Visit the gardens at Point Defiance. The gardens in the zoo are worth the price of admission. If you'd ever like to plan a field trip with Alison and me, we'd love to go nursery hopping with you.

  7. You have no idea the distress I feel in the fall, when my two loves combine and I have no time to really get to all of the plant sales I want to due to my soccer commitments. This nursery looks delightful. I especially love the guard cat. I bet in another few weeks that sumac will be alive with brilliant fall color.

  8. Aw, serious cats are my favorite!


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