There are more than half a million lights decorating the Zoo.
Do you see Mr. Rainier in the background? How did they light the entire mountain for this event? One also wonders how they changed the orientation of an entire mountain.
Is that a yucca dressed in white lights?
Everywhere along the paths, the gardens are full of lights!
In addition, there are lots of animated displays that would look cool on video if I had remembered to bring my tripod. You'll just have to check out the wonders of Zoo Lights yourself!
This rainbow is huge, beautiful and can be seen from quite a distance. Unfortunately, no one seemed able to find a pot of gold at the end.
Scale models of the Narrows Bridges. Notice the tail lights on the bridge on the left and headlights on the one on the right - clever.
If you haven't seen the dramatic video of the original Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse in 1940 and are interested in that sort of thing, here you go.
Becasue it's a zoo, there are lots of interesting animals to be seen like this giant squid that, because of the rapid changing of light color, seems to be undulating all over the roof of the aquarium.
Pea fowl.
Lower entrance to the aquarium.
Water birds.
Most of the real zoo animals get to sleep during this event but there are plenty of pretend ones to discover.
There is so much to do at this event like watching Santa swim with the sharks, riding a vintage merry go round, sipping hot chocolate to name a few.
Love this variegated yucca wearing white lights. Speaking of plants, the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium grounds are home to incredible gardens. More on that tomorrow. I hope that when the clock strikes midnight and a new year begins, you find yourself healthy, happy, and loved.