Many gardeners survey their gardens for signs of life on the winter solstice. I decided to join them on the twenty first and look for signs of life on the shortest day. In our climate, there's always something happening in the garden but things slow down a bit during the cooler months.We had some sub freezing temperatures earlier in the month but there was not much damage. With winter just starting, colder temperatures are possible although the weather prognosticators are talking about warmer than usual temperatures. Time will tell. Anyway, here's a bit of what caught my eye on the shortest day, a mash-up of leftovers from summer, evergreens, and new blooms.
First blooms of Kerria japonica
Still a few autumn leaves clinging to the Corylus avellana 'Contorta' while the catkins grow a bit longer.
The buds of this yucca drooped during the cold snap but now are mostly upright again. Will it bloom?
Loving this foliage!
Pineapple sage didn't get the memo that it's winter.
Hellebores will be in bloom soon.
They're coming up through organic mulch, not a lazy gardener's leaf litter.
Colchicum are popping their heads up as are the snowdrops and iris reticulata.
Viburnum × bodnantense 'Dawn' continues to perfume the air all winter.
Random shot of one of the front parking strips.
Garrya doing it's winter thing.
Rhododendron 'Super Flimmer' Love that variegated foliage!
Of course, the hardy cyclamen foliage is a one of the delights of our winter gardens.
Alpinia zerumbet 'Variegata' is supposedly hardy to zone 8 but it's always come in for the winter before. Time will tell.
Jasminum nudiflorum
Buds are erect on many of the Tetrapanax bu most of the leaves have fallen. I doubt they'll open during the winter. Do you suppose they might hold on until spring?
Euonymus europaeus 'Red Ace' hangers on.
Dried rose hip, bloom, and leaf buds waiting for spring to burst forth.
Hebe something or other with cool pink winter color.
Lonicera fragrantissima just starting it's bloom season.
Abutilon megapotamicum doesn't look like it's ready for a rest yet.
Like the abutilon, I would be happy to skip right to spring. Must remember how lucky I am to live in this mild winter area. Back home in Alaska, things are frozen and will be covered in snow until spring. Are you finding signs of spring in your garden this winter?