
Although this could very well be a picture of me finding a new treasure at a favorite nursery, it's actually an illustration by David Catrow for a children's book called Plantzilla.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day January 2017

On the fifteenth of every month, Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Garden bloggers from around the world are invited to post images of blooms in their gardens.  Many thanks to Carol for hosting the floral party; it's a great way to peek at gardens around the planet.

Due to our recent freezing weather, there's not a lot blooming in my garden at the moment.  Inside the greenhouse, some of the schlumbergeras are still blooming.  (You may notice that no moss has covered the ugly pot yet but I got the moss and it's sitting in a bag waiting.

Abutilons outside are a bit frozen and probably won't resume blooming until later in the year, assuming that the freeze didn't do them in.  However inside is a different story.

The crazy pelargonum (geranium) is looking cheerful.

Believe it or not, even with night temperatures in the teens, there are still blooms outside.

Camellia japonica

Lonicera fragrantissima

Viburnum × bodnantense ‘Dawn’

Helleborus argutifolius which is now a mostly prostrate 7 foot circle of weirdness.  One of these years, I swear that I'll support it somehow.

There may be a primrose or two blooming but during the freeze they were laying on the ground and looking quite shriveled.  Most likely the winter jasmine has a bloom or two as it has for a couple of months now.   Only 64 days until the vernal equinox!


  1. A lot seems to be going on in your greenhouse and garden. Can't wait for that Equinox. Happy GBBD anyway.

  2. Not sure that I would call my hellebores (I have two) "seven foot circles of weirdness" but, you may have a point. Happy to see your blooms, and wishing you a happy GBBD. Spring never starts here on the equinox, alas.

  3. Hehe. "Circles of weirdness." You have some lovely blooms, despite the cold. I'm waiting for the snow to melt before I try to find anything for bloom day outside, but I'm also mostly enjoying blooms in the house and greenhouse.

  4. You have so many interesting blooms in your greenhouse which you can enjoy all winter, and we can enjoy them right along with you! It is cold here as well, with snow covering the garden, but the equinox is on its way!

  5. Nice to see the Abutilons blooming in your greenhouse! I bought one at the Cistus tough love sale ($2!) last fall, it's currently in the basement. I have a feeling, come spring, I'm going to wish I'd bought many more.

  6. I love abutilons and I am overwintering several in our garage. I hope they make it.

  7. Those Camellias are a lot tougher than their fragile appearance suggests! The Garrya is, as always, lovely and seeing it will shortly send me to my garden to see if my own struggling specimen is still alive. I hope things warm up your way soon!

  8. You have some very nice blooms to brighten your days until spring.

  9. My Abuitilon is one of the only things not covered in snow. It's planted very near the house. It doesn't look that happy , but we will see come spring …please come spring !

  10. My winter jasmine has turned black It said, "Enough all ready!"

  11. Your greenhouse is wonderful. It must be a special blessing with your particularly cold winter this year.

    My Hellebore argutifolius is flopping, too--are they getting lazy worldwide?

  12. I need a greenhouse. This past week has been awfully rough. Not sure my hellebores are going to have any blooms....but whatever doesn't make it will leave replacement opportunities... :)

  13. Your greenhouse flowers are beautiful, so many different ones! The shrubs flowering in the garden are amazing aren't they, they carry on in spite of the weather.More little flowers are opening each day, making us think that spring can't be that far away!

  14. Your greenhouse must be such a haven in this the most dismal of months. Lovely to see some of the plants you are enjoying inside. Isn' t it time you invited us in for another tour?

  15. How nice to have a greenhouse to be able to enjoy all these blooms! I've been seeing quite a few photos of the snow in Oregon on Facebook, so I'm amazed you have anything blooming at all outside. Wish I could grow camellias here!

  16. Shlumbergias make me think of my mother - she always grew them on her kitchen windowsill. Those are some very unique Pelargoniums!

  17. Viburnums blooming outside in the weather you've had--wow! Nothing is blooming outside here, but I do have a few houseplants with flowers. Your greenhouse must be so awesome. I'd love to see it in person!


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