Danger Garden sometimes writes "Learn From My Mistakes" posts. This would fit in that category. Usually my smoke bush (Cotinus) and have bautiful deep purple foliage to make Clematis 'Nelly Moser' look even more beautiful. I got busy this year and didn't prune so the Cotinus is blooming with in a clashing gold color. The Smoke will be purple once the blooms fade so I could avert my eyes when passing, and wait or cut the smoke bush blooms. Being lazy, I'll just wait but next year...
Sinocalycanthus chinensis, the cousin or our Calycanthus floridus (Carolina allspice, Sweet Shrub) has much larger flowers.
The spherical buds are pretty swell too.
I decided to plug the hole in the sphere made by Jim King and copy my Pals Judi and Alison by filling it with water and throwing some glass spheres in. (If you live in the PNW, you probably have a collection of these kicking around.)
There are lots of allium in my garden but Allium schubertii is my favorite. Ignore the weeds. They look great dried and can be used as a Christmas tree topper a la Heather or used as a headdress. (See below.)
They can be spray painted to match any attire!
Polyantha Shrub Rose 'Margie' is a hybrid of Cecile Brunner. Originally propagated by the original owner of Swanson's Nursery, Ted Swanson who named it for his daughter. If possible, the fragrance is even stronger than Cecile Brunner, it's a shrub instead of a voracious climber that will take over the world, and it's a repeat bloomer. This came from a recent visit to Swanson's Nursery (post coming soon) and the car smelled heavenly the whole trip home. I'm not a rose fanatic but I love rose fragrance that wafts!
Deutzia is getting huge and will be pruned way back later!
'Westerland' a climber, is one that Ciscoe really likes. It's growing on me.
Ballerinas dancing in the shade.
A bromeliad found on sale at a big box store.
Furcraea from Rare Plant Research (Watch for post later.) is a lovely thing!
The Danger Gardenette is starting to take shape but there are quite a few more plants in the greenhouse waiting to be squeezed in. Cecile Brunner climbing rose has grown over the top making a delightful canopy but these guys would prefer more sun so the rose will be cut way back. Always best to do that after there are lots of plants beneath to be damaged in the process.
Thanks for strolling with me. Happy weekend!