
Although this could very well be a picture of me finding a new treasure at a favorite nursery, it's actually an illustration by David Catrow for a children's book called Plantzilla.

Friday, March 28, 2014

A Little Fowl Language.

Old Goat Farm (catch the garden part of the post here if you missed it.)  is a wonderful garden/nursery  and one of the things I love doing there is to watch the antics of the many birds in the fenced area behind the gardens.  One of these visits, I'll ask if I can go inside the fence to visit them.

Mr. and Mrs. Chicken are happily enjoying brunch.  Unbeknownst to them, they're being watched.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition Tom "lurkey" Turkey!

Oh, Mr. Chicken,  what are you eating there?

I'll just slowly walk around all puffed up like this hoping to impress you. 

Am I not the most handsome and charming bird here?

 Ducks, Gladys Knight and the Pips, come to investigate and are not impressed in the least with Tom turkey's behavior.

As quickly as they came, whey were waddling off...

To report to Mrs. Turkey!

Who comes to see for herself what Tom has been up to.

She is not at all amused by her husband's interest in some strange rooster!  Disdainfully she walks away.  (The wife often is the last to know that her husband secretly likes...rooster.)

When the dust finally settles, Tom meets his new soul mate, Tyler, a decorator from West Hollywood,  online.  
These guys were very friendly  (or wanted to prove their dominance) and came right over to where I was standing, looked at me and pushed against the fence. 

The Guinea fowl, came to visit next and made sure that the three in front got their fill before the one in the rear could eat.

Interesting pecking order! 

There were many more chickens, peafowl, and probably others way back in the bird pasture.  They seemed to be very interested in something in and around a brush pile (slugs maybe) and didn't come close to where I was standing. 

Wishing you all an amusing weekend!


  1. What a fun post, I am still laughing! I loved the little story you came up with for their behavior. Thanks for the laugh!

    1. Always happy to pass on a smile! These birds had me in stitches for nearly 30 minutes!

  2. I'm adding turkeys to the list of "people I never want to meet in a dark alley." Terrifying!

  3. So sweet! I love those roosters, Mr. Turkey and the whole set. Funny! Happy weekend, Peter!

  4. turkey as painted :) great pictures, beautiful colors!

  5. What an interesting collection of characters. I'm surprised they all get along so well.

  6. Little did I know, when I fired up the computer, that I would be treated to a Fowl Soap Opera.

  7. Hahaha, those turkeys and company are funny, well, the story was funny :)

    1. They were so silly and sweet that I found myself laughing at them the whole time I was there.

  8. Peter, I love your whimsical sense of humor and fun. You could make up a story about slugs and I would be rolling on the floor laughing. I would like to see Tyler's plans for the barnyard redesign...

    1. Thanks Jane. So you heard about the poor slugs in my garden? They were a-salted. Groan.
      I assure you, Tyler's plans will be faaablous!

  9. Dare I ask it? Oh, but I must. Was there any evidence of fowl play?

    1. Groan...Oh yes, the fowl were playing all over the place.

  10. Funny post! Male turkeys are underrated and can look just nice as peacocks....well almost!

  11. My that tom turkey has eggstrordinary feathers, but not all the poultry were happy because it was Fry-day.

    1. Groan...Very punny Hannah. Thanks for the laugh.

  12. Hahaha - loved your feather-covered intrigue! Heather's comment made me think of this clip! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDNnNmgqhNI

    1. Funny video; crazy lady! Sad to see so many turkeys crowded together like that.

  13. Funny post, Peter! Nice photos! I'm afraid of turkeys, think they could tweak my hand or leg.All fowl are pretty enough, the most I love the Guinea ones. Thanks for interesting story!

    1. Like all domesticated animals their responses are usually a result of how they've been raised. If they were handled as chicks, they are often friendly as adults. Some roosters are just ornery though.

  14. Too funny!! Maybe Mrs. Turkey puts up with Tom because he's well insured or indecisive. Great post!

    1. Well, there's also the family money and silly Mrs. Turkey signed a pre nup.

  15. What a great show! Hope you had popcorn. On second thought, that would probably garner some unwanted attention.

    1. Those elegant fowl seemed like they were used to playing with people, very docile they were.


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